Other projects

Expert opinions and planning for a wide range of projects like business and industrial locations, golf courses or reforestations differ in the main focus of processing, scope and licensing procedure.

The Planungsgesellschaft LaReG develops feasibility studies, preliminary plannings and environmental impact assessments. In ecological sensitive landscape areas detailed surveys of protected biotopes, flora/vegetation and fauna are required.

Project selection

Umweltverträglichkeits-Vorprüfung für die Unternehmensflurbereinigung Lehe A20 (2023)
Landkreis Ammerland
UVS Deponie Galing III Zinkhütte Nordenham (2016)
Landkreis Weser-Ems
Umweltverträglichkeitsstudie für die Errichtung des Golfsplatzes Bisdorf (2000)
Landkreis Helmstedt